Monday, August 30, 2010

Family and Friends

A really lovely weekend with family and friends ....
The sharing of a fabulous meal around a table and listening to all the different conversations that were talking place... the laughter and the welcoming of all to be involved...
and of course .... dessert was fantastic!!
Hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed it with your friends and family
Blessed to have such wonderful friends xx

Friday, August 27, 2010


Have had such a busy day working with a client who is launching her new fashion label soon... so exciting seeing her come into her own as we work through all that needs to be done for the launch.

Love her passion and her self-belief.... it's such a beautiful thing to watch when you see someone who loves what they do really shine as they start to live their dream..

Happiness is all around!

Enjoy your weekend xx
Image: Dancing on the Street - Vanessa

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A bump

Today I have my little one home with me as he had a fall at school yesterday which resulted in him splitting his head open right above his eye.... very lucky that it was above the eyebrow and not under..

This is our first serious accident and it was the first time that we have ever received a phone call from the school in the middle of the day...

When I received the call that he had been hurt my heart went straight to throat and it was beating like a drum while I waited to hear what had happened... all the time thinking "how bad is it?!"

Lots of blood and tears however big hugs when Daddy picked him up, clean him up and made him feel safe and "huggy" again

I'm sure that this won't be the last time as we have many more years of school and things that he will be doing..... the first time is always a little hard especially when you are not there to comfort your baby in the first instance.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A land of Red

Researching a new project that I started working on this week I found these amazing photos on the National Geographic website....
My project is all about the Evolution of Nature and Natural Wonders incorporating Earth Reds and Burnt Oranges
I love stripping back the layers of my work, take a step back and look around at the beautiful things our earth has to offer.
These photographers capture the essences of nature and our world perfectly and I thank them for sharing them with all of us!
Images: Sea Oats, Saxis Virginia Photographer; Medford Taylor
Child's Shadow, Welkom South Africa Photographer; Chris Johns
Visit the National Geographic website here:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lots of Thinking

Today there is lots of thinking, contemplating and trying to understand the "why" with some things....
Many wonderful opportunities have presented themselves over the past few weeks.
Many wonderful experiences have been had with beautiful new friends, old friends and family.
Trying not to question or focus on the sad things and the things that hit you unexpectedly from the side as you are smiling...
Lots of thinking.....
Image: Bench Thinking Photographer: Unknown

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beautiful Day

Although the rain is falling, today is a Beautiful Day!

I am so grateful for the wonderful things in my life and the amazing opportunities that have come my way.


Image: dan /

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Springing into Spring!

This morning our cherry blossom trees have an abundance of buds on them and look like they are ready to burst into flower!
I love spring! I love the freshness of the days, beautiful flowers and the slow but steady warming of the days...
The promise of long lazy lunches, walks by the lake and stopping for an icecream, picnics and afternoons at the park!
What a beautiful time of year xx
Image: me

Friday, August 13, 2010

Beautiful Saying

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a
quickening, that is translated through you into
action, and because there is only one of you in
all time, this expression is unique"
Martha Graham

Image: Sending the Sunset Photographer: Prozac1

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yellows & Greens

Still being drawn to the Yellow and Greens

Gorgeous combinations... love these two images, they make me smile each time I look at them!

I love the lamp and the very cute little green bag.

Image; Unknown

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Style Icons

One of my all time favourite Style Icons and a woman who is still such a inspiration to me is Audrey Hepburn.

I admire her so much and believe that even in today's fast paced world she is still such an Icon to elegance and grace.... from her fashion to her work with UNICEF... such an amazing woman!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Everything is as it should be

I am just so excited this fine morning...

No particular reason other than I feel that "Everything is as it should be!"

What an empowering feeling to wake up with. I am grateful beyond words for all the wonderful things I have in my life; my loving family, my beautiful home, my business and my life.

I am loving the opportunities that are coming my way and without any doubt in mind I am loving that I have dared to live my dreams!

Enjoy your beautiful day where ever you are xx