Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New York ... no other place like it

New York city is one of my favourite places in the world. I have visited this beautiful city many times and always long to go back...

I love the hustle and bustle and the style that just is New York.

It's the sort of place that you just feel your energy levels rise as soon as you hit the sidewalk ... the amazing stores tucked into little streets here and there, the food is just fabulous and
well the fashion is everything and more!

The words from the Jay-Z song "New York, the place will make you feel brand new, there's nothing you can't do" are so true.

One of my favourite spots is Bryant Park in the winter where you can watch everyone ice skate whilst sipping yummy hot chocolate... I still remember having my birthday there back in 2006 with my husband and my little guy who was only 10mths back then... we had the most wonderful time all snuggy in to our hats, scarves and gloves... bliss!

I LOVE you NY xx

Images: Interior Retail Stalls, Washington Market NY 1917 via New York Word-Telegram & Sun Newspaper Collection
YSL Vintage Window display via
Bryant Park via

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