Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new year ... some new plans

To say that the end of 2010 was a little rocky would be an understatement...

Mixed emotions .... sad, happy, relief, emotional all mixed up together.

The start of the new year always brings joy for me. Not one for new year resolutions as such, however I love the excitement of having a fresh slate to plan for the year and setting my goals. Allowing myself the time to sit quietly and really look at the things that I would love to be doing in the year of 2011.

I love to include something that I've never done before... and over the years this had lead to some very amazing adventures and memories that always bring a smile...

I've spent NYE in Times Square New York
Danced in the New Year Sabah, Borneo
Visited the Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo
Published my first book
Had a beautiful Baby
Went the the Rugby World Cup
Watched Luciano Pavarotti sing with Dame Joan Sutherland
Hiked the Grand Canyon

Heartfelt memories that made my heart sing for very different reasons ... grateful to have given myself the space to do these amazing things ... today I write my new list of milestones that I would like to reach this coming year ....

Today I feel renewed and blessed xx

Image: Zen Blossoms Photographer: Love88

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