Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Tree fun

We were looking for a few different things to do for Christmas this year and came across this on the Donna Hay website .... what fun to do this with the kids!

Looking forward to having a go at it with my little one!

From Donna Hay's Style Ideas, Celebrations:

A fun alternative to a traditional tree is to outline one in nails on a board, then run string or wool around the shape and decorate it with these spiced cookies. Full of Christmas flavours – cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice – and sparkling with a dusting of sugar, they make a delicious change from the usual decorations. Roll the dough a little thicker than normal, pierce a hole at the top with a skewer (to loop with strong thread or pretty ribbon) and cook for a little longer than usual at a lower temperature to make sure the cookies fully dry out.

To see more styling tips, please visit Donna Hay

Image: Christmas Tree, Donna Hay
Text: Style Ideas, Donna Hay

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