Friday, December 17, 2010

A little light..

I have been searching for such a long time now, trying to find out any information that I can that would perhaps lead me to my Grandfather's family ...

Although I don't know if they survived WWII or not, I have space in my heart that I keep for them in the hope that there is someone for me to find.

Today I went onto the net again as I always do and typed in my Grandfather's surname and for the first time a listing came up ... the spelling of the surname was the same.... similar towns came up .... a family tree is trying to be established!

So today I wrote to this family in English and then translated my letter into Polish and sent it off .... I hope with all my heart that we may be a 'together' and that I get to share this news with my Grandmother before she passes away ....

Now the waiting for the reply .... xx

Image: Baltic Sea, Poland Photographer:

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